Gigantic Gameplay

Gigantic Gameplay is more than just a video game; it’s an exhilarating journey that has taken the gaming community by storm. This action-packed adventure thrusts you and your team of five heroes into a showdown with an opposing team, all while a colossal guardian monster looms ominously in the backdrop.

Content Rating

Before you dive into this thrilling world, it’s crucial to note that Gigantic Gameplay includes elements of Blood and Violence. Additionally, its Online Interactions have not been rated by the ESRB.

Developers and Publishers

The brilliant minds behind Gigantic Gameplay are the developers at Motiga, while Perfect World Entertainment takes the helm as the publisher.

Initial Release

Gigantic Gameplay made its grand entrance into the gaming arena on July 20, 2017. Since then, it has continued to captivate players around the globe.

Platform and Genre

This epic adventure awaits you on various gaming platforms, falling under the genres of Action, Strategy, and Shooter.

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At the Core: MOBA Excitement

Gigantic Gameplay at its core offers a free-to-play MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) experience that will keep your heart racing. Get ready for fast-paced combat and heart-pounding action.

A Visual Masterpiece

Visually, Gigantic Gameplay is a marvel that combines the aesthetics of Paladins with the enchantment of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. The result is a captivating world that will leave you in awe.

A Glimpse of Closed Beta

The video featured here was recorded during the closed beta phase. Accessing closed beta required a beta key, but luckily, obtaining one was not overly challenging. As you watch the video, remember that it captures the author’s second game, where they faced formidable challenges but still found immense enjoyment.


In summary, Gigantic Gameplay is not merely a video game; it’s a grand adventure where heroes clash in intense battles. With its distinctive characters, fast-paced combat, and stunning visuals, Gigantic Gameplay offers a gaming experience that is truly one-of-a-kind. So, gather your team, embrace the challenge, and immerse yourself in the captivating world of Gigantic Gameplay

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Written by Wajid Minhas

Wajid, a skilled SEO content writer and digital marketer, optimizes online content to enhance visibility and drive results. Passionate about digital strategies, Wajid's expertise delivers success.