Return to Moria System Requirements

In the realm of gaming, anticipation for the latest expansion or DLC can often be an experience unto itself. As the gaming community eagerly awaits the release of “Return to Moria,” a thrilling expansion for an iconic game, one burning question takes center stage: What are the system requirements to embark on this epic adventure? In this article, we’ll delve into the nitty-gritty of Return to Moria’s system requirements and provide answers to some common questions. So, gamers, gear up and get ready to journey into the heart of Middle-earth!

Return to Moria System Requirements

CPUIntel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz (4 cores)
GPUNVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060
DirectXDirectX 12
Operating SystemWindows 10/11 64-bit
Storage (STO)20 GB

Recommended System Requirements

CPUIntel® Core™ i7-8700K / AMD Ryzen™ 5 3600
GPUNVIDIA® GeForce® RTX 2060
DirectXDirectX 12
Operating SystemWindows 10/11 64-bit

What systems will Return to Moria be on?

Return to Moria will be available on both Windows and macOS platforms, ensuring a broad player base can join the adventure.

How much RAM does Fallout 76 need?

To run Return to Moria smoothly, your system should have a minimum of 8GB of RAM.

Can I play Fallout 76 on my laptop?

Yes, you can enjoy Return to Moria on a laptop, provided it meets the minimum system requirements mentioned above. However, for the best experience, it’s recommended to have a more powerful gaming laptop.


As you prepare to delve into the darkness of Moria, remember that meeting the system requirements is key to a fantastic gaming experience. “Return to Moria” promises to be an unforgettable journey, and with the right setup, you’ll be able to savor every moment. So, gear up, upgrade your system if needed, and get ready to return to Moria like never before

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Written by Wajid Minhas

Wajid, a skilled SEO content writer and digital marketer, optimizes online content to enhance visibility and drive results. Passionate about digital strategies, Wajid's expertise delivers success.